A good credit rating is an essential part of getting good loans and matching the conditions with the lenders. The average FICO credit rating for Americans is approximately 720, which means that half of Americans have a lousy credit rating and the other half a better rating. [1] The only way to establish a good credit rating is to start buying on credit. This is the only way to establish a credit history that reveals your ability to pay for things you can buy or use.
Just set it
1- Having the bills in your name will not affect your credit. Often, this is a misconception to have a positive credit. Large utility companies and telephone companies only report to credit bureaus when payments are not made.
2- Always pay your bills on time.
Pay off all credit card bills completely as soon as you receive them, so that you do not show up as a "defaulter." It may be necessary to obtain a "secured" credit card if your credit rating is already low or does not exist. Do your homework and investigate as some credit card companies with collateral check your credit before giving their approval and can reject you.
Make automatic payments with the bank or credit card company. Almost all credit cards will allow you to make automatic withdrawals from your checking account every month to pay your credit card. In this way, you will not risk to forget the payments nor to register you as a defaulter, which decreases your credit rating. Typically, automatic payments allow you to specify whether you want to do the following:
Sign up to pay the minimum monthly amount. Credit cards will force you to pay a minimum amount each month; otherwise, you run the risk of being penalized.
Sign up to pay the balance on the credit card. Usually, the balance on the credit card, or the amount you have, will change from one month to another. Be sure to avoid an overdraft when you do.
Sign up to pay a fixed amount each month. This fixed amount can be found somewhere between the minimum monthly amount and the balance payments.
Note the possibility that this method does not work for everyone; if you do not, follow another way to establish a credit.
3 - Get a credit card reference.
It is also called a secured credit card. This is a program that many large banks will have, in which you pay a deposit on a credit card (usually equal to the limit) in order to get a card, even when you have a rating lower than a perfect credit. By using this start card, you can set your credit. [2]
Just make sure they declare the card to the major credit rating companies.
4 - Keep a job.
Many places that ask about your credit rating will also see other information, such as if you can keep a job. If you see that you change jobs every few months, then your credit rating will not really be enough to help you: you will be very risky. Maintaining a single job for some years in a row will seem more stable. This will help you with things like getting a mortgage. [3]
If you look reliable, they may be willing to forget a slightly lower credit rating than ideal.
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